“I actually appreciate those whocriticizeme in a constructive manner.” Verb ▲ Present participle for to evaluate (something), assessing its merits and faults “His friends would meet on a regular basis to exchange andcriticizeeach other's literary work.” ...
What is the synonym for criticism? Some common synonyms of criticize arecensure, condemn, denounce, reprehend, and reprobate. While all these words mean "to find fault with openly," criticize implies finding fault especially with methods or policies or intentions. What reproving means? transitive ...
自诉2周前感冒后出现咽痛,服药后治愈。2天前出现颜面水肿和下肢水肿,尿量较前减少,尿色加深,泡沫增多。患者无尿频、尿急、尿痛。查体:体温36.9℃,脉搏85次/min,呼吸18次/min,血压143/92mmHg。尿常规:尿蛋白150mg/d,尿红细胞70-80个/HP,白细胞2-4个/HP。肾功能正常。该患者最可能的诊断是 ...
They're going to criticize what they don't understand. lǎo shī pī píng xué shēng chí dào 老师批评学生迟到。 The teacher reproved his pupils for coming late to school. synonym píng lùnyì lùn议论pǐn píng品评 2 v.comment; give a critique of something ...
It shouldn’t surprise us that this shift from the literal to the figurative came so soon with these particular words. After all, expressing some kind of need or desire must be one of the earliest uses of language. The wordavid, a synonym for these figurative meanings, may be accurate but...
1 :routine, dull aho-hum existence. 2 : bored, indifferent a ho-hum reaction. ho hum. interjection. What is the synonym of vapid? Some common synonyms of vapid arebanal, flat, inane, insipid, and jejune. While all these words mean "devoid of qualities that make for spirit and character...
What is another word foreditorialise? Needsynonyms for editorialise? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts To express one's opinion as if in an editorial, or as if it were an objective statement ...
Attackis a synonym ofstrike. In transitive terms the difference between strike and attack is thatstrikeis to create an impression whileattackis to deal with something in a direct way; to set to work upon. In cricket terms the difference between strike and attack ...
Don't criticize him since he is an influence in politics. wǒ bù zhǐ zhāi tā de kàn fǎ 我不指摘她的看法。 I do not censure her opinions. synonym pī píng批评pī pàn批判pī bó批驳zhǐ chì指斥 antonym biǎo zhāng表彰biǎo yáng表扬zàn měi赞美...
A strain is also often called a “pulled muscle” or “muscle tear.” The word “pulled” is an odd misnomer, a synonym for spasm in many languages.8 Although you might have problems that make you vulnerable to a muscle strain, the direct cause of every muscle strain is traumatic rippi...