an unsuccessful, as contrasted with a successful, effort. By his blindness maimed for high attempts. Try (one sort from another) To winnow; to sift; to pick out; frequently followed by out. To try out the wild corn from the good Attempt Earnest and conscientious activity intended to do ...
and might have trouble deciding what is morally right or wrong. The adjective scrupulous is from Latin scrūpulōsus, from scrūpulus, "scruple." A near synonym is punctilious.
In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for hardworking, like:diligent, assiduous, industrious, dedicated, sedulous, conscientious, persevering, untiring and tireless. What is the meaning of thatched hut? /θætʃt/ A thatched roof ismade ...
“I propose that there is arationalexplanation for our existence, that is to say, an explanation based upon the method of reason.” Adjective ▲ Able to think sensibly or logically “I was not entirelyrationalat the time, and there were other precautions I could have taken.” ...
Adjective ▲ Superlative for impulsive, reckless, or unlikely to succeed Adjective ▲ Superlative for showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks See Also What is the opposite of most overconfident? Use ourSynonym Finder Nearby Words
HSK6NHSK 6RW AABB Chinese dictionary Show pinyin Word usage Note "切实" is different from "确实". "切实" means that the behavior is realistic or tangible; "确实" means that the situation is true and credible. Reduplication "切实" can be reduplicated, for example: "切切实实". ...
Back in the days when I blogged longer-form original material more than curating other folks’ stuff, I declared myself a “Conscientious Objector to the Culture Wars” (a status that’s hard to maintain consistently) in a long-form blog that holds up well as a description of why I dise...
,conservation(how ironic that liberals are far better at understanding what really should be conserved, with the prime example being nature itself; a synonym for conservationist is environmentalist, anathema to conservatives),considerate(it's a liberal thing),contemplative(liberals are far more ...
"Aquaculture" is a synonym for fish farming. FISHERY The organized catch of a particular fish in a given area. FISHING METHODS It can be hard to get info on how a fish was caught, but seek out pole-or troll-caught fish, which have the least impact on the ocean and other species....
synonym jué绝 5 v.try one's best; put to the best use jìn zhōng 尽忠 be loyal to jìn zhí 尽职 fulfil one's duty jìn zé 尽责 conscientious synonym jí极 6 adv.entirely; totally; completely; wholly jìn shù shōu huí 尽数收回 ...