“The tyrant is hoarding power for himself, much like squirrelsaccumulateacorns in the late fall.” Verb ▲ Present participle for to earn or acquire into one's possessions “He is profligate only in his determination toaccumulatehis wealth in the form of unspoiled land and untamed nature.” ...
A synonym is a word that means the same (or nearly the same) as another. Words that are synonyms (e.g., 'excellent' and 'terrific') are called synonymous. Synonyms are useful for literary variance, for fine-tuning your message, and for finding a word tha
Generally speaking, the consignee isresponsible for paying duties and covering any freight charges that may accumulate on top of them. The consignee is also responsible for making sure that the items are in the appropriate condition as outlined in the bill of lading. Is consignee the shipper or...
world's greatest dictionary maker, that the preparation of the work cost $3.5million, that it required the efforts of three hundred scholars over a period of twenty-seven years, working on the largest collection of citations ever assembled in any language -- is all this a fr...
add up See Also What is the opposite of add up? Sentences with the word add up Words that rhyme with add up What is the past tense of add up? Use ourSynonym Finder Nearby Words
First and foremost, an athlete must be a varsity athlete, meaning they play on a varsity team. Letters are not awarded for playing junior varsity or other sub-varsity levels. The rationale behind that requirement is that a varsity sport is time-intensive and physically demanding -- more so ...
He has accumulated a wealth of experience. tā lì yòng gè zhǒng shǒu duàn jī lěi le yī dà bǐ cái fù 他利用各种手段积累了一大笔财富。 By some devices or other he amassed a huge fortune. synonym lěi jī累积jī jù积聚jī zǎn积攒jī cún积存 ...
这一问题是两国之间的积怨。 This issue is a festering sore between the two countries. fā xiè jī yuàn 发泄积怨 pour out one's accumulated rancour synonym sù yuàn宿怨 2 v.accumulate long-standing enmity tā duì tā men yǐ jīng jī yuàn duō nián ...
Synonym of logarithm. Category:en:Functions To multiply two numbers, add their logs. Log (sciences) A difference of one in the logarithm, usually in base 10; an order of magnitude. Log (transitive) To cut trees into logs. Log (transitive) To cut down (trees). Log (intransitive) To cut...