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in oop (object-oriented programming), a class is a blueprint for creating objects, defining attributes, and methods that the objects will have. it outlines the structure and behavior that the objects instantiated from it will possess. an object, on the other hand, is an instance of a class...
, if you have a class called vehicle, you could create a subclass called car that inherits from vehicle. the car class would inherit attributes like wheels and engine but could also introduce additional features specific to cars. what is the difference between a class and an object in oop?
One of the fundamental principles of OOP is polymorphism, where objects of different classes can be treated as instances of a common superclass. Abstract classes play a key role in achieving this polymorphism by defining method signatures that derived classes must implement. It facilitates generic...
methods and can be instantiated and used in code. Abstract classes can also be compared to a public class -- which is used for information and methods that need availability in any part of a program's code -- as well as a superclass, which is the class from which subclasses are ...
Subclassing is a fundamental object-oriented programming (OOP) technique where you create a new class (the subclass) that inherits attributes and methods from an existing class (the superclass). You can then override existing methods in the subclass to modify their behavior or add new methods to...
Since Java is an object-oriented language, it supports, and also encourages, the use of classes. All of the classes in Java are based on the class named 'Object' which supports several functionalities such as cloning.Answer and Explanation: ...
in the context of Java, is a superclass that cannot be instantiated and is used to state or define general characteristics. An object cannot be formed from a Java abstract class; trying to instantiate an abstract class only produces a compiler error. The abstract class is declared using the ...
1) What is the difference between a class and an instance of a class? Give an example. 2) What is information hiding, and how is it implemented in C++? 3) What is operator overloading and how is it implemented in C++? 4) What is ...