The global anti-corruption landscape is constantly evolving. Many countries have widened the scope of their anti-corruption laws and introduced more severe penalties, widened the definition of public officials to include those working in public international organisations and introduced the new offence of...
Worldbuilding 3: geography and physical location is the latest in this new series.'Pretty much every time I pick up a fantasy novel and begin to read, the first thing I encounter is a map, or a series of maps, laying out the whole world, the country or city where the main action tak...
而A的到来就像初春的开谢花,落英缤纷,却唯见涟漪,不闻波声。 记得有一次周末很晚从LX家出来,A发来短信问我所在,我回说让她猜,她说,是在LX家吧?我奇道你如何猜到?她这样回答: Your life is organized like an orbit. I know. 了解了这点,就知道为何四年于相隔千里的我们,似乎只是弹指一挥间而已。 我其...
here is a summary. He and his companion Sandy Irvine were last seen climbing a rock step on the Northeast Ridge of Everest at 12.50pm on 8 June 1924 by a fellow team member Noel Odell, who was climbing from Camp 5 to Camp 6 (their high camp) behind them in support. They never ...
Food, Wine, Sport, Politics, Gossip, the Arts – what else is there!Home About Turnbull invites the #Ashbygate zombie to haunt his new government. Posted on September 24, 2015 by boeufblogginon The Ashby Affair is like a zombie, one of the undead. You can’t kill it with an axe....