Summa theologica: TheSumma theologica/theologiaeis a writing penned by St. Thomas Aquinas that was presented as the sum of all known learning according to Aristotle and his commenters. TheSummaattempted to describe the relationship between God and man, as well as the origin and purpose of the ...
(Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, 1, qu. 1 a.5.) Of philosophy thus understood, political philosophy is a branch. Political philosophy will then be the attempt to replace opinion about the nature of political things by knowledge of the nature of political things. Political things are by ...
What does the title Summa Theologica mean? What is the meaning of Root Cellar by Theodore Roethke? What does Babbitt mean in Cloud Atlas? What does Silflay mean in Watership Down? What does covetous mean in A Christmas Carol? What does flatheads mean in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?
While gluttony may seem to be a more trivial transgression than the others grouped in the “Seven Deadly Sins,” there is a reason this sin makes the list. With the alarming rate of modern obesity we see today, perhaps many have forgotten or forsaken the warnings against gluttony and its d...
As St. Thomas Aquinas notes in hisSumma Theologica: Consequently, others with better reason hold that the minister of a sacrament acts in the person of the whole Church, whose minister he is; while in the words uttered by him, the intention of the Church is expressed; and that this suffi...
First, health care is considered as an entitlement based on the argument that health is necessary for the pursuit of one's rational life plan.10,11 Medicines as part of health care therefore differ from other consumer goods, as there is stipulated a right to have access to them for ...
In the true scientific spirit of bringing to the attention of a researcher the results of prior research bearing on his work, I have interspersed citations from the Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas (1225鈥 74) between passages from French's review of d'Espagnat's book.Karl D. Stephan...
This is a striking step. They might have given themselves up for lost, perhaps drowning their feelings, as sailors have often done, in intoxication (if that be not an exclusively modern practice); but they resolved to make another effort to save their lives and their ship. This proceeded ...
(a) had she not, and her son with her, been saved from death by famine in connexion with his sojourn in her house? (b) The heavenly conversation they must have had during the year would preclude such an idea. (2) Yet here is the fact; and it is written for our learning. The...
however, is not difficult, but it is difficult for most minds to comprehend the answer. The human mind too often believes its own conception of a truth to be the truth itself, and here is where the difficulty ; ljes. This is the one great mistake of every age. ...