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Sometimes, symbolism is obvious. If you’re familiar with theGame of Thronestagline “Winter is coming,” you’ve encountered obvious symbolism. Sometimes, symbolism is so obvious that it feels hamfisted and detracts from the story. And other times, symbolism is so subtle that you don’t eve...
phishing; spam is unsolicited, but it may contain a legitimate sales message, for example. Phishing directs the user to a harmful site with a malicious intent. In our example above, the site is developed to look just like the streaming or bank webpage, and it asks for sensitive ...
与大脑其他区域的 多巴胺含量太低有关。 Some people with schizophrenia show a loss of neural tissue, 个别患者会出现 神经组织萎缩的状况, and it’s unclear whether this atrophy is a result of the disease itself 我们还不清楚这种萎缩 是由于疾病本身, or drug-induced suppression of signaling. 还是由...
Inference, to a lay person, is a conclusion based on evidence and reasoning. In artificial intelligence, inference is the ability of AI, after much training on curated data sets, to reason and draw conclusions from data it hasn’t seen before. ...
A person does not need to be a math whiz in order to perform well in statistics courses, Anderson emphasizes, though he adds that many of the same people who love math also enjoy statistics and that competence in math is necessary for the field. "Statistics is the science of learning fr...
Needless to say, most orange wines are rare and can be expensive, but the expense is justified for the subtle-to-overt depth and complexity they offer. Pronounced tannin and phenolic profile can be a foil for a range of cuisines with different textures, and they can be challenging too. Dep...
However, actor functions are reentrant, which is a computer science term that means one task can start while another one is still running. I know that sounds like it breaks the rules I laid out above, but it's one of the subtle nuances of actors you'll need to understand in ...
When is it time to quit because of a horrible boss? Consider leaving when you notice persistent impacts on your physical or mental health, when you’ve documented issues and attempted solutions without improvement, or when the toxic environment affects your personal life. If you’re consistently ...
Story Summary: Kelly is too sexy! Amy’s too little! A very detailed, subtle examination of one girl outgrowing another! Amy and Kelly, once best friends, become increasingly upset with each other as they struggle to deal with their sexuality – or lack thereof! Note: This is Part One of...