(ˈstaɪvɪ)adj, stivier or stiviest.stuffy, stifling. What does Stivy mean? 1 :to pack tightly: crowd. 2 : to shut up in a warm close place : stifle, suffocate. intransitive verb. : suffocate. stive. Is Stivy a word?
1. Rich and dark, the coffee is perfect with breakfast on a cold winter morning.2. Alejandro is the new bank manager for the branch that just opened. no predicate adjective3. How noisy that muffler is!4. With my stuffy nose, I smell poorly. no predicate adjective...
If your sneezing is a symptom of the common cold or flu, your treatment should focus on relieving your symptoms. In addition to sneezing, you may experience a stuffy nose,sore throat, and fever. You can treat symptoms due to the common cold or flu with the following methods: Get plenty ...
While it won't cure you, hot soup or any hot liquid might give you some temporary relief and comfort. It works because the steam from the hot liquid opens up your stuffy nose and throat. It also thins out mucus. And because it's a fluid, the hot soup will help preventdehydration, w...
(3)___A stuffy(不通气的) nose or a harmless growth in the nose can block air and thus scents from reaching the sensory cells. Certain medications, like some blood pressure pills, can change smell, but these effects are usually temporary. Your smell should come back once you've recovered...
The Saboscrivner is a librarian who writes about food in Orlando, Florida, and beyond. He is NOT an influencer; in fact, he takes perverse pride in having been called an "anti-influencer." Instead of a content creator, he proudly thinks of himself as a
To train a sissy husband is like telling those stuffy norms to go take a walk. It’s your hubby’s turn to dip a toe (or maybe sashay) into the fabulous world of femininity. After all, why should women get all the perks of fashion and flair? This is about doodling outside those ...
This place is a pigsty. ○ What a mess! 真够脏乱的!pigsty n. 猪圈mess n. 脏乱,混乱 9. 打开窗户,给房间通通风。Open the window and air the room. 10. It’s stuffy in here. 这儿太闷了。stuffy a. 不通气的,空气闷的 11. 水池子堵了。The sink is clogged. ○ The drain is backed ...
Waking up without a stuffy nose for the first time in a week is an improvement. Not burning your dinner for the first time this week is an improvement. But how much improvement is it? These little things may not be so important to measure, but there are other instances in which ...
Through my previous contract with customers and the small ad I placed in the paper, I was already getting a lot of business. Not long after starting the classes I was able to move from a stuffy room to a condominium with high ceilings and two bedrooms. (I didn't, however, tell my pa...