i know jump i know love is a hot i know my dad wanted i know my grandmother i know that no good i i know that hard i know that i freaked i know that they i know that this aint i know the angles i know the feeling i know their ways i know this is out of i know what you...
What a horrible thing to do... 做这样的事简直太可怕了! 柯林斯高阶英语词典 What a busy day. 多么忙碌的一天啊。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 It's, what, eleven years or more since he's seen him... 打从他上次见他,已有,嗯,11年甚至更久了。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 This piece is, what, about a ...
strip short names from a directory, and it keeps a log that contains details of the stripped files and errors that occur. However, after short names have been stripped, there is no automated way to restore them. If the directory structure has changed in any way, there is no guarantee ...
when instr(a.数量,'*Field')=1 then a.数量 else 0 end, a.数量 from bb a join under_alice on a.rowid=under_alice.old_rowid+1) select 属性,s,f,d,text from under_alice; //select * from cc; cli_create_two_dim~cc~属性~text; select colIdxf[3:]{ii...
“Moreover, a cat’s tongue is not smooth, like our tongue. It is set with small, sharp, horny points which stretch backwards. The cat uses her rough tongue to strip the flesh from the bones.” “Now, one more look at her feet. If we took the cat up when she was angry, we sh...
Your computer is clearly acting strange to say the least. You run netstat and decide to WHOIS a couple IP's. That is not the first, tenth, or even the one-hundredth thing I would do if my computer were "acting strange." What do you mean by "acting strange"? What, specifically, ...
There is new support for secondary axes, which enable you to display multiple series using more than one axis. On each axis, you can set options to add scale breaks, logarithmic scales, custom axis intervals, and interlaced strip lines. ...
Strip trailing whitespace This is perhaps the ultimate nitpick, but if you don't do it, it will drive people crazy. There are no shortage of tools that will do this for you in your text editor automatically; here'sa link to the one I use for vim. ...
Dark theme is here! The most common request over the last several months is to add a dark theme to Edge – check it out inunderAppearancetoday! \n Need help translating? Bing Translate is now built into Microsoft Edge – look for the prompt offering a translation the next time you encoun...
The Peter Principle is the inverse of the Dilbert Principle, an idea coined by the cartoonist Scott Adams for the comic stripDilbert. This rule states that companies tend to promote their least-competent employees to management roles where they are least likely to interfere with production. Both ...