They focused on the Huntington’s mutation, which involves a stretch of DNA in a particular gene where a three-letter sequence – CAG – is repeated at least 40 times. In people without the disease this sequence is repeated just 15 to 35 times. They ...
The Arctic is not a safe place to be by any stretch of the imagination. Essentially a vast, floating block of ice, with only a small area of land, the landscape can be almost totally different from year to year. Even the most experienced explorers are lucky to return with all their fin...
A transcription unit is the chain of nucleotides in a strand of DNA that begins at a start code and continues to the end code. When referring to the stretch of DNA that is transcribed into RNA, many scientists use the term "transcription unit" rather than "gene." This change in ...
1) What is the complementary strand of the DNA sequence GCAAT? a) GGCTT b) CGTTA c) CGTAT d) GCUUA Write the complementary sequence for the DNA strand, AACGGCTCGATCAT. The DNA sequence is: 5'-ATTCGACC-3'. What will be the sequence of the complementary strand using this str...
Called cytoplasm, this liquid environment is packed full of cellular machinery and structural elements. In fact, the concentrations of proteins inside a cell far outnumber those on the outside — whether the outside is ocean water (as in the case of a single-celled alga) or blood serum (...
A gene is a stretch of DNA that codes for a protein. An organism's traits are largely determined by the individual's genes and resulting proteins. Genes occupy specific locations along the long DNA molecules at the heart of chromosomes. Each species of organism has a set number of chromosome...
2019年发表的《国际社会向“左”转》一文指出,当下国际社会的左派,在政治制度上,反对资本主义的不平等、建构平等的社会主义制度;在生活模式上,提倡反对权贵、倾向平民,以同情弱者、改善民生为日常生活图景。上述材料表明( )
What is a monomer composed of a five-carbon sugar, phosphate, and either adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine, or uracil called? Which base pairs with adenine in a DNA molecule? (a) thymine (b) adenosine (c) cytosine (d) ura...
Poly-A is a repetitive sequence of adenine nucleotides added posttranscriptional to the 3’-end of a eukaryotic mRNA molecule.
DNA is an extremely long molecule, so long that if all the DNA in a human was uncoiled and placed end to end, it would stretch 10 billion miles. That would be the same as a round trip to Pluto! However, it is also thousands of timesthinnerthan a strand of hair. Locationally speakin...