哇!好上头的节奏~ 歌曲:【What U Do】 歌手:【Wild Culture / Shel Bee】 歌曲来源:https://music.163.com/song?id=1459697279&userid=1874013392 封面来源(pixiv):ねこかつ@Vtuber *封面、歌曲仅作分享,请支持原版 *(如有侵权,告知会立即删除) ...
The only flaw in their argument is that when you have millions of people dying, the correct perspective is to be yelling at the top of your lungs. 我觉得像豪斯那种依赖客观性的方式跟三岁小孩依赖毛毯没啥两样,永远没任何激情、保持镇定,始终带着客观冷静的慧眼做出正确的诊断;而这种做法的唯一缺陷在...
If you’re a homeowner, you’re no stranger to dealing with unwanted pests. One such nuisance is thebrown marmorated stink bug, which can invade your home, especially during the fall season. Although stink bugs don’t transmit diseases or make you sick, their presence can still be quite bo...
If monogamy works for you, that's great, stick with it! If it ain't broke, don't fix it. But if you are considering some sort of open relationship, you should know there are a lot of options. Non-Monogamy is not the same thing as cheating, in fact, the whole point is to be ...
was the change that he had undergone.In the photos,he was fit and flexible.yet,the man sitting in front of me,although still relatively young,could not walk without a stick.His ankles often ached after he retired.He became fatter and fatter.This,he explained,is the price of ballet.It's...
The Saboscrivner is a librarian who writes about food in Orlando, Florida, and beyond. He is NOT an influencer; in fact, he takes perverse pride in having been called an "anti-influencer." Instead of a content creator, he proudly thinks of himself as a
stretches its arms behind him- though it's specifically the light around the man. He draws his hand across his face as orangish-gold streaks of light flowed off his fingers before pointing to *all* of you. "A man is he who *decides* his fate, rather than being bound to it. Is it...
A growth centre is a place where you can go and be encouraged to meet other people and meet yourself. This idea of meeting yourself is unique. No one had ever talked about that before, except in a rather forbidding way connected with illness or personal problems, or perhaps as part of ...
“My family is Humanity, my tribe Galactic, my origin: The Universe” I wrote that in my Facebook Intro. I have not had the inspiration to write one of these papers for a while now, so there is a lot in my head that has matured in the past decade or so and to some degree is...
They were issuing all of their bug fixes as patches on their existing binaries. This was not a good sign.(c) 2003 Steve GregoryDoes this mean that nothing can be done if the team is weak? Not exactly. Some of the time I’ve had the authority to replace members of the team. I’ve...