Everybody who had a patch of ground had a corn patch. More land, more corn, some for tamales, some for farm animals, some for the market. A surge in tequila sales created a shortage of agave. Farmers chopped down their corn stalks, hurriedly plowed their land and went after new money...
Business and product marketing.Businesses can quickly promote their products or services to a global audience. Many companies now rely on social media to conduct market research and nurture their customer base. In some industries, like entertainment, the content created on social platforms is the pro...
What is That and How Do I Eat It?~ strangeandyummy farmer's market findsSearch: With Every Beet of My Heart13 Saturday Feb 2016 Posted by strangeandyummy in Fall, Miscellany, Red, Roots and Tubers, Spring, Winter ≈ 3 Comments Tags beet, bull's blood, creamy, crunchy, earthy, heart...
TheStream start page(https://stream.office.com) will be an easy way for users to get back to videos they've opened recently, were sent links to, etc. It is not going to be a "single enterprise video portal" like Stream (Classic) was. From looking at usage across Stream (Classi...
Hello ! I'm currently exploring the Azure Marketplace and I would like to build and deploy a product that can authenticate as a customer's "App...
While the termsmalwareandvirusare often used interchangeably, historically, they didn't always refer to the same thing. A virus is a type of malware, but not all malware is a virus. Viruses are the most common type of malware; they're malicious code used to gain access to a computer or...
‘Grief is a rational response’: the 21 US species declared extinct this year | Endangered species | The Guardian Northwest Australia searing under extreme heatwave conditions (weatherzone.com.au) The Great Malaise: The Search For Meaning During Times of Indifference – The ...
Tibetan silver is cupronickel. Traditional Tibetan silver has 30% silver and 70% copper, but most of the Tibetan metalwork we seen in market hardly contain silver, and they are just made of cupronickel now, because Tibetan people do not have so advanced technique and equipments. So when Tibet...
This distinction is important because this makes growing industrial hemp legal in Japan (provided it doesn’t produce THC). The stalk is used to makeshimenawarope — the braided rope you’ll often find in Shinto shrines — and hemp seeds can also be found inshichimi, a common spice mixture...
The item must be usable when purchased, without requiring processing or alterations. Corn is a commodity, but stalks of corn on the cob in the husk is not. Products must vary enough in price that a market develops for it. Corn is a commodity because the price fluctuates and changes, but...