Sibling sexual abuse (SSA) – the sexual abuse of children by their brothers and sisters - is a common form of intra-familial sexual abuse (Krienert & Walsh, 2011; Cawson et al., 2000), as harmful as sexual abuse by a parent, and often devastating for families, with significant long-...
It is the rationale and mandate for some form of public agency strategic analysis. How should public agencies actually go about doing such strategic analysis? There are a number of potential meta-strategies. One response is to muddle along, or more formally, to rely primarily on "incrementalism...
According to Tobler’s first law, the neighboring or nearest regions are coded in the form of a spatial weight matrix with zero diagonal and non-zero off-diagonal elements, which often weigh to sum to unity in each row with typical elements. The non-standardized weight matrix is stated as:...
Indeed, bone marrow therapy today is essentially a cell therapy. Kuznetsov et al. showed that populations of stromal fibroblast cells isolated from human bone marrow could differentiate into osteoblasts, and form bone when subcutaneously implanted into immunodeficient mice [55]. Interestingly, while ...
When tillage is at right angles to the direction of the slope, it is referred to as contour tillage [116], an acknowledged form of conservation tillage. According to local climate and soil, medicinal plants that are suitable for local growth can be selected for NT/RT cultivation, which not...