Oh my goodness, I honestly never thought I'd come around to doing this series but so many of you guys miss it. Who am I to not deliver!! I've not been delivering enough content for you guys, but now that I've changed jobs and got a more stable lifestyle,
This Plant is worn by the People in their Hats upon the 17. Day of March yearly, (which is called St. Patrick's Day.) It being a Current Tradition, that by this Three Leafed Grass, he emblematically set forth to them the Mystery of the Holy Trinity. However that be, when they wet...
Tanimura & Antle Artisan® Romaine: The result of iceberg and romaine, Artisan Romaine is more compact in size than conventional romaine heart with a similar yield and rich in flavor and texture. Its sturdy leaves are perfect for Caesar salads, grilling, or as a healthy, crunchy alternative ...
Germination is a process in which a seed or spore awakens from dormancy and starts to sprout. Many people study this process in action in science classes in their childhood by growing seeds such as beans or peas in the classroom, and a quick trip outside will probably reveal at least a ...
So when you are ready, hack off some of the grass. Even though it is in my kitchen, I still washed it, cause it can still be dusty or whatever. Then I shoved it in the juicer. As the pulp squished out, I put it back through the juicer a couple of times because I saw one of...
Free community nets sprouting up; what began as a renegade, grassroots movement is moving into mainstream city life. (WLANS).Albright, Peggy
Naturally colourful and tasty food is a means to a more healthful life, providing our bodies with the nutrients necessary to help support, renew and repair, and giving us the energy not only to work but to enjoy our lives to the fullest. Cumin and Have Some Soup! – see What Juicers Ea...
Thujone is a volatile monoterpene ketone of plant origin which is produced by several plants that are frequently used for flavoring foods and beverages. Th
I store all my grains, beans and other dry foods (besides sugar, salt or sprouting seeds) inside food-grade five-gallon plastic buckets. There is some controversy over what is and isn’t food grade. Most buckets with #2 inside a small triangle on the bottom are food grade, but not all...
“Lust in the Dust,” a colorful and intimate look at the natural history of insect and spider sex. This program is a no-holds barred look at the often bizarre and always fascinating sex lives of the world’s largest and most diverse group of animals. This richly illustrated lecture is ...