It is slightly more common in women than men, especially those who are in their late 40s to mid-50s. However, an aneurysm may occur at any age.3 Brain aneurysms are more common than you may think. An estimated 1 in 50 people has a brain aneurysm.1,3 ...
is not FDA approved. The exceptions to this are if it is part of an FDA-approved clinical trial or it is using stem cells in a procedure that meets other criteria (e.g. being both homologous use and minimally manipulated–yeah I know these are jargon terms). 4) If you venture out...
Sweat gland removal. Sweat gland removal surgery, also known as sweat gland excision or sweat gland ablation, is a surgical procedure that reduces sweating by removing the sweat glands in targeted areas. Methods of removal include curettage, laser ablation and liposuction-assisted curettage. The appr...
Because we are told CP is not progressive, and because most healthcare professionals don’t know much about CP, we who are living with it are on a guideless journey of mostly unpleasant discovery. Thankfully, the internet has enabled us to connect with each other. We are each other’s o...
This pervasive myth of spinal fragility has many unfortunate consequences, such as unnecessary fusion surgeries — a common and routinely ineffective procedure — and low back pain that lasts for years instead of months or weeks. The seriousness of chronic low back pain is often emphasized in terms...
Together, the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves make up a complex infor- mation-processing and control system that is called the central nervous system (CNS). To look inside the brain and the way it works and to understand how it func- tions is the dream of many researchers and ...
The medial branch block is an anesthetic delivered to the nerves causing them to stop registering the pain. Anesthetic blocks can wear off. Some doctors will use a procedure called a radiofrequency ablation to effectively “burn” these nerves, providing a more lasting relief. ...
Microwave–through the cervix a thin wand is inserted. To heat the endometrial tissue the wand emits microwave. This procedure generally takes three to five minutes. Radio Frequency–inside the uterus a special instrument unfurls a flexible ablation device firmly. Then the device will start to tran...
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is a disorder that affects 1 in 5000–10,000 people worldwide and can result in devastating complications such as cerebral abscess, stroke, massive hemorrhage, and even death. HHT is an autosomal dominant disor
Browning in response to a thermal challenge seems obvious enough, but why should it have evolved as a response to volume overload of the heart or exercise? Perhaps the thermogenic response to exercise is a “tag-along” effect, a by-product of the ability to promote thermogenesis in response...