Dim sum translates to “touch the heart”, which is a surprisingly apt description for this unusual meal. There are no courses: Just an endless parade of small plates and dumplings – steamed or fried – stuffed with a variety of fillings. And it is a parade, because dim sum is an expe...
Day 235 Alan is beating a man strapped to an office chair, demanding in French, "Where is she?" "Lost! Forever!" the hostage (who has silver 分享9赞 *^(v型玻璃屋)^*吧 Wan家小V *V*^歌词^*V* My Love -- JustinJustin Timberlake Ft. T.I. - My Love 分享7赞 魔法少女奈叶吧...
Disney Cruise Food is a huge part of your enjoyment of your cruise experience. One thing is for sure. You will never go short of food on a Disney Cruise. Here we share the Ultimate Guide to Disney Cruise Food. You will find the most comprehensive guide to Disney Cruise Food out there....
People from Generation X grew up using VCRs and personal cassette players to listen to musicians and groups like Bon Jovi and Prince, and they saw the invention of the microwave, which now is a staple household appliance. They lived through the death of Princess Diana, the fall of the Berl...
It’s been COLD the last few days here in Iowa, so a lot of my things saving me have to do with keeping warm! But, I also have things that bring me joy where there is a dreary landscape outside. Plus, I’m sharing a BIG purchase that has been fun to have in the house again...
Dad gets a steak dinner and chocolate souffle (I’ve mastered this now!) Son gets a show/trip/something fun and an ice cream cake from the same place in our neighborhood. It’s an older Chinese couple who make all the flavors in-house like taro, cookies & cream, and black sesame. ...
Many times I find that posts on marketmanila seem to trigger fond childhood memories of food or things associated with a particular food. Whenever I mention a backyard fruit, there is a surge of warm, fuzzy comments about lazy days with neighbors or cou
Generation X, sometimes abbreviated to Gen-X, is a term used to describe the people born roughly between 1960 and 1980. It is sandwiched between the Baby Boomer and Millennial generations. Stereotyped as having characteristics such as a lack of direction and cynicism, members of this group they...