Example: A political troll might create and share misleading graphics or articles on social media to influence public opinion during an election season. Internet “Troll Farms” Structured organizations or companies that participate in large-scale, coordinated trolling operations are known as “troll ...
(Here, TROLL is a noun.) She TROLLS him all the time. (Here, TROLL is a verb.) What Did We Say before Texting and Social Media? Before the digital era, TROLLs would probably have been known as "stirrers," or even "bullies." Example of TROLL Used in a Text translate ru the ...
Trawling is a method of fishing that involves pulling a fishing net through the water behind one or more boats. The net used for trawling is called a trawl. Trolling To fish in by trailing a baited line Troll the lake for bass. Trawling A trawl net. Trolling To trail (a baited line)...
A troll is someone who deliberately provokes others online, while a troller is someone who fishes by dragging a baited line through the water.
Reddit is asocial mediaplatform and forum-style website where content is socially curated and promoted by site members through voting. The site name is a play on the words "I read it." The platform serves as a network of niche communities where users can engage with others who share simila...
(a) What is dumping? (b) Why was it made illegal? What is a creditor in business? What are omissions in contract law? Explain. What is involuntary termination? What is reposting on social media? Explain the term "public domain."
It is not uncommon for a cyberbully to post information or comments using a fake name or account to hide their identity.What are examples of cyberbullying?Below are examples of how someone might cyberbully someone through social media, apps, or in a game. These examples are against the TOS ...
“Look at me!” is the most basic definition of anotherthirstderivative on social media: thethirst trap. A refined twist onselfieculture, athirst trapis often a photo used to entice a response, usually in the form of praise, compliments, or more explicit expressions of ardent desire. It wa...
Using social bots is legal, making social bot technology on the internet a lucrative business. Fact Because more and more people are using social media to get informed, many predict that these robots’ influence on the public is growing. This article by Communications of the ACM on the rise...
Whether it’s a chatbot or a social media bot, the easiest way to tell if you’re talking to a bot is to ask a random question. For example, programmers usually don’t design bots to respond to queries like: “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?”...