Being into spit is inherently kinky because kink is anything that falls outside the realm of vanilla sex. We can safely say spitting on someone falls outside of these parameters. Spit kinks can be a part of a bigger Dominant/submissive role play. The act of spitting on a sub can be a...
Remember, when it comes to kink (and all sex, really), everything is normal and fine as long as everyone is enthusiastically consenting. “We need to continue to evaluate our biases, values, attitudes, and feelings about kink and address how those can affect interactions with people,” Phili...
Is a praise kink a part of BDSM? You might be wondering if praise kink falls under the broad umbrella of BDSM, a well-known acronym that encompasses bondage, dominance and submission, and sadism and masochism. And while it can indeed fall in the bucket of BDSM, it’s not exclusively so...
What Is a Spit Kink? A spit kink is when someone gains arousal from spitting. This could be in the form of spitting on another person or being spat on. It usually takes place between two people who take on the role of either dominant and submissive, respectively. Something else to know...
Whether or not Harry Styles actually spit on Chris Pine at Venice Film Festival, there was something erotic about it. Here, experts explain spit kink.
If you frequent Pornhub, you’ve probably stumbled onto a video where the person getting penetrated says, “Breed me, Daddy,” right before the man ejaculates into them without a condom. If this turns you on, you’re not alone, and you may have a breeding kink. What is a breeding ki...
This can include: A kink for getting pregnant and/or a kink for having someone ejaculate inside of you. This kink is rooted in fantasy and usually does not involve someone really trying to get pregnant. Proper safety precautions should always be taken when engaging in this kink....
There's no ‘right time’ to tell your partner about your size kink... If you are not at a point in a relationship where you and your partner have the respect and established communication routes to sit down and openly discuss vulnerable topics with one another, you may want to hold off...
First, a couple of definitions. A "kink" is "any unconventional sexual desire, concept, fantasy, or practice" that "bends away from proclivities that are generally considered 'straight,' or what would seem typically arousing to others," while a "fetish" is "a sexual desire that is initiat...
is a non-normative sexual interest or behavior. For example,role-play, rope bondage, andtemperature playare generally considered kinks. But it's also subjective, as what is kinky to one person may feel normative to another, and what is a casual kink to some may be a core fetish for othe...