This chord is also the Dominant of the Neapolitan Sixth (F-Ab-Db-F in C) and can be used as such. In a cadence (like ii-V7-I or ii06-V7-I for Major or Minor respectively), these chords sound good between the ii chord and the V7 chord (or V chord) and one can eve have st...
The whistle is used by the main character, Katniss, and it becomes a rallying cry for the rebels fighting for freedom. The color red in The Sixth Sense: In the movie The Sixth Sense, the color red is used as a leitmotif to represent danger and impending doom. The color is used in...
The Dorian mode is a fascinating musical scale that strikes a balance between melancholy and brightness. Characterized by its minor tonality with a distinctive raised sixth, this mode has been a favorite among jazz improvisers, folk musicians and classical composers alike. Whether you’re exploring ...
Now by way of contrast listen to this opening section of Sibelius's Sixth Symphony, which is also in the Dorian mode, and see if you can feel again that same timeless, brooding, ancient, far-off quality, only this time coming from the remote, lonely forests of Finland: ...
I’m not sure why they felt the need to articulate in a formal statement what they have been saying for years: that LGBTQ+ people are outside the fold, so to speak. According to Article 7 anyone who adopts a “homosexual or trangender self-conception is [in]consistent with God’s holy...
A minor chord contains the 1st, flattened (lowered) 3rd, and 5th notes of the major scale that it’s named for. When trying to determine what is the difference between major and minor scales and chords, you can apply this formula to figure out the notes in any major or minor scale. ...
The questions is: What do all chords have in common, and is there a set of rules allowing to say that these 2...N pitches are for sure a chord? I know that most of chords contain at least 3 pitches, a Root , third and fifth, but as far as I understood this is not essential ...
Ampeater Music is a website devoted to bridging the gap between unsigned (or just plain underexposed) artists and music lovers everywhere. Every day we feature a different artist on what we call The Ampeater Review. Each fea
parts. This is often true, especially with more complex songs where a particular guitarists unique approach to chord voicings and arrangement are shown incorrectly. On the other hand, many guitarists believe that they are good, unintimidating way for beginning guitarists to learn songs they like...
Put together, a “seventh chord” is chord composed of a triad and a note forming the interval of a seventh above the chord’s root (the lowest note). Here is an example: Note that matter how the notes are sharpened or flattened, the chord shown above is still a seventh chord, althou...