Learn what is a signal amplifier, how does it work, its applications, benefits, and how they are used in the context of a data acquisition (DAQ) system.
A spectrum is a collection of sine waves that, when combined properly, produce the time-domain signal under examination. Figure 1-1 shows the waveform of a complex signal. Suppose that we were hoping to see a sine wave. Although the waveform certainly shows us that the signal is not a pu...
You can perform spectrum measurements, demodulation, and signal analysis with a PXI vector signal analyzer (VSA), which can measure the magnitude and phase of an input signal at a certain frequency within a specified bandwidth.
LFSR An LFSR is a shift register that, when clocked,advances the signal through the register from one bit to the next most-significant bit (see Figure 1). Some of the outputs are combined in exclusive-OR configuration to form a feedback mechanism. A linear feedback shift register can be ...
much signal is lost when it is reflected to the source. S21 and S12 represent transmission, a measurement of the signal from one port to another. Transmission is related to insertion loss, which is the loss of signal power that results from the insertion of a device in a transmission line...
A spectrum analyzer is a device that measures and displayssignalamplitude (strength) as it varies by frequency within its frequency range (spectrum). The frequency appears on the horizontal (X) axis, and the amplitude is displayed on the vertical (Y) axis. It looks like anoscilloscope, and ...
A protocol analyzer is a system that can monitor and interpret data as it moves across a computer but or network. The main types...
If you have WiFi issues even with a strong WiFi router or mesh network, it might be because of the noise around it. Learn what signal to noise means, and make your signal-to-noise ratio better to ensure steady traffic.
PXIe-5842: Signal Analyzer and Signal Generator Combined Webinar In this webinar, learn about the PXIe-5842 out-of-the box capabilities, such as generating parametric waveforms, performing spectral analysis, and other new features. Related Products ...
A WiFi spectrum analyzer is a software application or a physical device that measures and visualizes wireless networks' radio frequency (RF) spectrum. It helps with identifying and troubleshooting WiFi interference, signal strength, and channel congestion issues. Spectrum analyzers can provide insights ...