And even over the phone, Mike put me on a couple of really difficult species and left me with spots for a few more in better weather. One that sticks out is a culvert for Iowa darter. Ben Cantrell and I have made a promise to go there next spring, catch the thing, and take Mike...
Instead of using potable water, rainwater that falls on the domed roof of the tank is being collected in a cistern for use in cleaning the tank with spray wash nozzles after each wastewater storage event. A rain garden detention basin is being constructed to allow infiltration of runoff from...
Traffic. Really, driving in general is something I don’t miss. Noise is another thing we can live without – specifically, city noise. The soundtrack here consists of sounds you’d find on relaxation CDs. Birds, babbling brooks, the ocean waves, rain on a tin roof. There are no car ...
A rain garden detention basin is being constructed to allow infiltration of runoff from the impervious paved areas to be constructed on the site. The site for the CTim TappendorfKurtis EisenbathJeff ShinerCollection Systems Conference