I wanna start a new discussion Can Ichigo Still Use Hollowfication or did he lose his hollow powers my personal opinion isyes he does still have hismask and vaste lorde transformation now i believe that ichigos shikai is tied mostly to his quincy powers while his bankai is tied to his shin...
The word capt kuchiki uses to release his shikai? The word Byakuya uses in English is "scatter" and in Japanese it is "chirre" he also adds his zanpackto'sname after the phrase. When is Byakuya's birthday? January 31 Who is Byakuya's father? Soujun Kuchiki When in Bleach 241 coming...
分享725 山田花太郎吧 山田花太子 来唱歌吧~ED1:Life is like a boat 词曲/演唱:Rie fu 点此下载mp3: http://student.zsu.edu.cn/~ph03wtt/bleach.mp3 注音歌词: Nobody knows wh 分享4赞 自学英语吧 纳须弥于芥子🍪 一起学习英语是一直兴趣,可惜当年年少无知误入了歧途,毕业好多年了,如今静下来心中...