The conspicuously extended, mobile, nose-like organ of an animal such as a sengi, a tapir or especially an elephant. The trunks of various kinds of animals might be adapted to probing and sniffing, as in the sengis, or be partly prehensile, as in the tapir, or be a versatile prehensile...
The conspicuously extended, mobile, nose-like organ of an animal such as a sengi, a tapir or especially an elephant. The trunks of various kinds of animals might be adapted to probing and sniffing, as in the sengis, or be partly prehensile, as in the tapir, or be a versatile prehensile...
Krupskoy (4-y otdeleniye), ZE8C-Novaya Besovka, ZE8D-OPH, ZE8F-Kuzovatovo, ZE8G-Rokotushka, ZE8H-Sengiley, ZE8L-Noviy Uren', ZE8M-Pavlovka, ZE8N-Noviy Beliy Yar, ZE8R-Barysh, ZE9R-Urazgil'dino, ZE9S-Lebyazh'ye, ZE9T-Malaya Kandala, ZEA4-Tetyushskoye, ZEL8-Kensha...