”because the Arabs are Semites. Therefore, if the Jews are against the Arabs they are“Anti-Semitic”and should be charged with“Anti-Semitism.”Abraham’s other son was Isaac, and so Isaac was a Hebrew, because Abraham was, and he was a Semite, because he was descended from Shem. Th...
Edom or Idumea was a semite-inhabited historical region of the Southern Levant located south of Judea and the Dead Sea. It is mentioned in biblical records as a 1st millennium BC Iron Age kingdom of Edom, and in classical antiquity the cognate name Idumea was used to refer to a smaller ...
Populism is a political posture of divide and conquer. The strongman promises all kinds of good things to the poor as he points to the elite that manages the country and says, “They are against you!” The idea is to create a wedge in society. It could be along racial or religious or...
That photo has been circulating for a few years already. Bush is no Talmudist. He is, however, not an anti-semite either. For this I give him a great deal of credit. RUSSIAN FRIEND June 18, 2008 @ 6:55 am RUSSIA SERBIA GREECE TRIAD FOR ORTHODOXY MAY MORE NATIONS JOIN THE GROUP...
But then, there is a third explanation that no one dares to discuss:the Christian teaching on race. Here we will explain what no one dares to tackle:What does the Bible really says about race? By the time we present all the evidence, it becomes crystal clear: Scripture never promotes...
Authors Dave Barry, Adam Mansbach and Alan Zweibel claim that keeping kosher is “the system of Jewish dietary laws that makes the U.S. tax code both simple and reasonable.” Moreover, “The Bible says you’re not supposed to cook an animal in its mother’s milk, because ‘that’s su...
1) JUDAISM TEACHES that Jews are a victimized people. Thus Jews are taught: “We must get them before they get us.” This is the driving force behind The War on Terror, The War in Iraq, & the impending War on Iran.2) JUDAISM TEACHES that Jews & Gentiles cannot coexist. Jews are ...
David Stras, a Jew on Minnesota’s state supreme court, is on Trump’s list.Oh well, a judenrein (clean of Jews) court won’t play well with the DC-NY kosher belt.“I dream of Jeannie with the light brown hair,” sang Stephen Foster. ...