When I use Transmission to do the downloading, I see some figures on the web control panel of Transmission. Those are technical terms. Such as Seeder, Leecher, Ratio, Trackers, Peers, etc. So the questions come. What is a seeder? What is a leecher? Let me check it from search engine ...
Seed: To seed a torrent is to share it. A torrent's seed count is the number of people sharing the full file. A count of zero means nobody can download the entire file. Peer: A peer is someone downloading the file from a seeder, but who doesn't yet have the full file. Leech: ...
Seed / Seeder:This tells you how many users are sharing the complete file in the torrent network. Leech / Leecher: These are users who just download the file – but chose not to share (or upload) the file. So, the more leechers you find compared to seeders, the potential for a low ...
Seed: To seed a torrent is to share it. A torrent's seed count is the number of people sharing the full file. A count of zero means nobody can download the entire file. Peer: A peer is someone downloading the file from a seeder, but who doesn't yet have the full file. Leech: ...
Peer: A peer is someone downloading the file from a seeder, but who doesn't yet have the full file. Leech: Leechers download more than they upload. A leecher might instead upload nothing at all after the full file has been downloaded. ...
Peer: A peer is someone downloading the file from a seeder, but who doesn't yet have the full file. Leech: Leechers download more than they upload. A leecher might instead upload nothing at all after the full file has been downloaded. ...