.NET is a managed memory platform but it does not totally prevent it from experiencing memory leaks. PowerShell scripts, especially in multi-runspace or long running runspace environments like PowerShell Universal, can start to leak memory over time. Often this is caused by modules that aren’t...
Less than one percent of Apple devices across all Intune tenants are currently enrolled this way, so this change doesn't affect most enrolled devices. There is no change for iOS users who select My company owns this device during a BYOD enrollment. Intune enrolls them via device enrollment ...
Run PowerShell as a Windows system administrator. Run the following command to query the service information: winrm get winrm/config/service If the value of AllowUnencrypted is true, check the network configuration to ensure that the server can access the network. If the value of AllowUnencryp...
Built on the .NET framework, PowerShell works with objects, whereas most command-line shells are based on text. PowerShell is a mature and well-proven automationtool for system administratorsemployed in both IT departments and external entities, such as managed service providers, because of its ...
PowerShell # Escape sequence "`a" is Ctrl-G or [char]7'Food'-eq"Foo`ad" Output True 修正$?為當$false原生命令寫入stderr(#13395) 原生命令通常會寫入,stderr而不想要指出失敗。 只有在原生命令也有非零結束代碼時,才會將此變更$?設定$false為 。 這項變更與實驗性功能PSNotApplyE...
This script is functional. I also have another script called install.ps1 that installs it. The installation command is: powershell.exe-ExecutionPolicyBypass-FileBlockchrome.ps1 I package the install.ps1 as the source for the intunewin file and then deploy it to the desired devices. ...
Desired State Configuration (DSC) is a feature in PowerShell 4.0 and above that helps administrators to automate the configuration of Windows and Linux operating systems (OSes).DSC provides a set of PowerShell language extensions, cmdlets and a process called declarative scripting. The id...
After a disk is added to an ECS and the disk initialization script is automatically executed upon ECS startup, the Msg 823 error occurs in the database system logs of the
An Azure PowerShell script is available in the PowerShell gallery to help you migrate from your v1 Application Gateway/WAF to the v2 Autoscaling SKU. This script helps you copy the configuration from your v1 gateway. Traffic migration is still your responsibility. For more information, see ...
This is also true if using INVOKE-COMMAND with a script block. It might be very unpleasant if you are not aware of this. Again, assume you get the defaults in a new session. For example, running this from a new session show what looks to be okay using defaults i...