people should use pencil when filling out an optical answer sheet to ensure that they can erase incorrect answers and other accidents. In the case of a graded sheet, if the optical answer sheet is returned to you, it is a good idea to check it over for errors, and to bring these error...
Most students still have to take the test using bubble sheets and a No. 2 pencil, which is insane to me. They've managed to digitize VOTING, for shit's sake. And yet here's the SAT, still feeding test sheets into the Scantron machine like it's 1982. Maybe the only differences with...
he was a nerd. That’s it… just a fiscally responsible, number-crunching nerd that wanted nothing more than to bottom line everything (and, boy, did he ever keep that promise). I loved it. But my core wouldn’t allow me to fill in that Scantron for a member of the pachyderm part...