What A Year… Posted onApril 20, 2012bysamshine20 What I Did Today- One Year of My Life Upon meeting my goal and blogging everyday for the 365 days during my 30th year of life I am… a bit tongue-tied as I look back and let out a low whistle. All I can think is, “I did ...
For long term storage, pull the carrots from the soil, but don't wash them. Twist or cut off the green tops. Layer undamaged roots with sand, dry soil, or a 50:50 combination of sand and wood shavings (the kind used in hamster cages). Make sure the carrots aren't touching each ...
Like a balloonist heading for a mountain, I chucked the sandbags of my old lifestyle overboard. Fewer people were needed in the post-2008 recession world. There weren’t other jobs to go to. I needed to become one of the ‘invaluable ones’. Flexible like a yogi. Better value than Li...