Combination Procedures Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS) and single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy (SADI-S) are less-common surgeries that combine a gastric sleeve procedure with a bypass of some portion of the small intestine. In addition to reducing...
Now, digital COVID-19 certificate is mandatory to travel some countries and some countries require only negative PCR test certificate. Check the above link to know which country requires Digital COVID-19 travel certificate and how to get the certificate step by step procedure PCR Te...
Thus, patients need to undergo certain preoperative examinations in order for the correct procedure to be chosen, individual risks evaluated, and the patient prepared. A large number of long-term studies have shown that metabolic surgery is safe and will most likely prolong a patient's life ...
A literature review on the importance of factors that influence intentions to start new businesses is presented. Entrepreneurial intentions are discussed in the context of the TPB and are related to the other literature's visions developed around the role of the educational process in shaping an ...