解析 C核心短语/词汇:look like 看上去像翻译:大超叔叔长得怎么样?他又高又瘦。解析:选项A What ……like? 是问谁喜欢什么? B What …… do? 是问谁是做什么职业的? C What……look like? 是问谁长得怎么样? 根据题干的回答,他又高又瘦,回答的是外貌。所以选C。
Using government statistics and data from sociological studies, this article provides a picture of the modern Russian village, which is represented not just by the agricultural industry and related businesses that support it, but also by industrial, construction, and communications businesses and a ...
The settlement on this site was founded in 1830 near a cloth factory and it became a city in the Soviet years. Today, there are factories producing various parts for aviation and other industries. The factory that kickstarted the town in the 19th century is now a fashionable public space an...
If you are Russian you prepare for long cold winters long beforehand. Whendachaseason is finally over in October you end up with 20 buckets of cucumbers, 15 buckets of tomatoes, 10 buckets of strawberries and what not. Now is the time to roll up your sleeves and make some pickles, jams ...
The diary of Yeva and her experience of the beginning of the Russian invasion is encouraging and deeply discouraging。 Seeing war from a child’s perspective is heart breaking, but yet she maintains hope in a way that most adults would not。 Reading about...
if you are reading this, you are too. Most likely you won’t try all 50 dishes on your trip, and that’s ok. This guide to Russian food is meant to help you feel less overwhelmed when you open a menu at a restaurant in Moscow, Saint Petersburg or wherever it is you are traveling...
never been to those places, but despite not knowing much about them, he’d much rather be in his Russian homeland than there. Animatsia puts the Motherland in a global context. Objectively Russia might not be much, but compared to those other places, it is the best of all possible ...
Maybe they were secretly letting Donald know that they agreed with him on Vladimir Putin, a man Trump admires and thinks is doing a better job than President Obama. (The Russian economy is in tatters, and if you believe Putin's approval ratings really are 82%, I've got adachain Siberia...
Centre is a death cap (amanita phalloides) – the one in this picture would be enough to kill you.Read more about Death Caps… Right is a horse mushroom which is delicious – like an intense version of cultivated mushrooms with aromatic aniseed overtones. ...
Is there a time frame when you can be still traveling and Russian, but after a certain point of no return one’s Russianness starts trickling away? And can I accumulate that lost Russianness back by taking longer vacations at dacha and eating more pickles?