The BRI is also a Chinese solution to global development issues, which aims to advance modernization in participating countries in tandem, make economic globalization more dynamic, inclusive and sustainable, and ensure that more of the fruits will be shared more equitably by people across the world....
Resilience is not a trait or characteristic that you either have or don’t have. It is a learned ability, one that can be learned and built and developed by anyone. Resilience relies on different skills and draws on various sources of help, including rational thinking skills...
Experts discuss pressing questions about how we will move forward after the new coronavirus pandemic: What is resilience? And how can we cultivate it?
Resistance is a level at which a financial asset's price failed to move above in previous attempts. Find out more about resistance levels.
How does shared responsibility factor into incident response? Incident response is not completely the responsibility of the security or incident response teams. In fact, in cloud environments and acrossdistributed systems, theshared responsibility modelplays a crucial role in ensuring effective incident res...
What is Resilience “Suffer through defeat, but be never defeated.”— Murray Johannsen. Or, as Winston Churchill better said, “If you are going through hell, keep going.” “Persistence and resilience only come from having been given a chance to work through difficult problems.”– Gever Tu...
Unmet healthcare need is a critical indicator, showing a plausible picture of how the healthcare system works in the unprecedented pandemic situation. It is important to understand what factors affect healthcare services of older adults in the midst of t
A (retired) tag is seen next to Administrative Templates and the Create button is now greyed out. Other templates will continue to be supported. However, customers can now use the Settings Catalog for creating new Administrative Templates configuration profile by navigating to Devices > Configuration...
Factor relevanceAlboran SeaMarine resilience indicatorsTemperate rocky reefsResilience-based managementEcological resilience, broadly defined as the magnitude of the disturbance a system needs to shift to an alternative stable state, is becoming a critical trait in the Anthropocene era. However, we are ...
What is a traditional management style, and what are its limitations? In the past, leadership was called “management,” with an emphasis on providing technical expertise and direction. In the industrial economy’s traditional,command-and-control organization, leaders focused exclusively on maximizing ...