I think one has to understand this a little, to go into it rather deeply, because I want to find out, through denial, what is the religious mind. I feel that through negation one can find out what is true. You cannot find out what is true by assertion. You must sweep the slate co...
What is a religious allegory? Allegory: Allegories are used in literature to express a hidden message about society or the world in general. They are used to discreetly comment on an issue or topic, and they often contain political, religious, or ethical messages. ...
他指出,大部分宗教哲学论著作一开头都想确定“宗教的本质”,这实际上是“绝对论”和“独断论”在作怪。事实本身足以证明:宗教一词并不意味着任何单一的要素或本质,而毋宁说是一个集合名称(a collective name)。 所以,对宗教经验研究来说,我们很可能发现并没有唯一的本质,而是并存着诸多特征,它们对宗教信仰同等重要。
This book explores the Early Modern roots and contemporary relevance of a materialist perspective on the politics of religious diversity. The political philosophies of Spinoza, Locke, and Rawls are explored in three chapters to understand what coexisting religious forms are and why they matter for ...
What is a university (3) Religious teaching itself affords us an illustration of our subject to a certain point. It does not indeed seat itself merely in centers of the world; this is impossible from the nature of the case. It is intended for...
The musical Fiddler on the Roof grapples with change versus tradition as the protagonist, Tevye, attempts to maintain his cultural and religious traditions amid the pressures of societal changes and his daughters’ desire to marry for love. Here’s a tip: Want to make sure your writing shines...
Confucianism,Hinduism,Shinto,andTaoism. Religionhasbeenasupremesourceofinspirationinthearts.Someofthemostbeautifulbuildingsintheworldarehousesofworship.Muchoftheworld’sgreatestmusicisreligious.Religiousstorieshaveprovidedcountlesssubjectsforpainting,sculptures,literature,dances,andmotionpictures.
Religious pluralism is a commonly-used term with several distinct meanings. Depending on the context, the term covers a wide variety of theological and philosophical discussions. At least four different concepts can be implied by this term, though each revolves around the central idea of different ...
Religious OCD is seemingly a response to more common human adherence to religious doctrines: whereas most individuals with some kind of connection to religion may seek to follow the rules of their religion without much fear or guilt, those with religious OCD often feel terrified of the consequences...
religious texts academic and medical papers Why do authors use ghostwriters? Ghostwriters help an author by making the writing process more manageable and producing work more quickly. They’re often hired by celebrities, corporate executives, consultants, news witnesses, political leaders, and other ...