if your display has a refresh rate of 144Hz, it is refreshing the image 144 times per second. When paired with the high frame rates produced by a GPU and CPU working together, this can result in a smoother experience
Andrew Kirkcaldy Andrew is one of three co-founders of BGFG, the parent company of PC Guide. A keen gamer and PC enthusiast, Andrew dabbles in a bit of writing sometimes - when he gets the chance to!
However, having a refresh rate that is too high can lower you FPS (Frames Per Second). Finally, an LCD (Liquid-Crystal Display) does not have a refresh rate; however, if you need to set a rate, values of 40 Hz or 60 Hz can be used....
Faster update times also mean lower latency because the pixels refresh more often. For example, it takes 16.6 ms to entirely refresh a 60Hz display, 11.1ms for 90Hz, and just 8.3ms for a 120Hz rate panel. The refresh rate isn’t the only factor in round-trip display latency; it is t...
It helps strengthen FreeSync monitors’ performance when they’re under their minimum refresh rate (for example, 48 FPS). Monitors enabled with LFC duplicate frames if rates are out of the FreeSync range. [5] What does this mean in a real gameplay situation? If yourGPUis pushing out 30 FPS...
What does it mean when a brand tries to market a smooth user experience with 90Hz, 120Hz, or 144Hz refresh rate displays? Let us explain.
Refresh What Does Refresh Mean? “Refresh” is a general term in IT that refers to an updating adjustment of content based on current conditions. In some cases, such as in a browser refresh, online systems are sending the most current data to a software interface destination. In other cases...
FAQs about Snapdragon 8 Most common questions Explore answers to frequent queries below. Snapdragon 8: What is it, and what does it mean for your phone?
Learn what is refresh rate on phone, the pros and cons that come along with high refresh rate displays, and whether or not you should buy a phone with one.
Below, we define both frame rate and refresh rate, then compare and contrast them so you have a clear understanding of what they mean to you. What Is Frame Rate? Frame rate is a measure of how fast individual images, known as frames, appear on a screen. As you may know, all video ...