In the midst of battle, the Defiant is taking heavy fire. As a Breen interceptor pelts her with torpedoes, it is suddenly destroyed by a Cardassian ship as the entire military turn on the Dominion and begin attacking the Breen and Jem'Hadar. Sisko rallies the Allied forces for an attack ...
PILLER, F. What is Mass Customization? A focused view on the term. Mass Customization News, Munique, DE, v. 6, n. 1, maio 2003.PILLER, F. What is Mass Customization? A focused view on the term. Mass Customization News (Newsletter), Munique, DE, v. 6, n. 1, 16 p., may. ...
“Women never want to feel like they’re giving their pussy up to a man who needs it. Dogs have big dicks, are animalistic, low sentience brain dead descendants of killers,” the dogpill expert continues.“No human male can compete with Fido’s knot,” another dogpiller writes, ...
PLRParty like a Rockstar PLRPacket Loss Rate PLRPreliminary Loss Report(US Army) PLRPartitio Liberal-Radicale Svizzero(Radical Free Democratic Party Switzerland) PLRPig Launcher & Receiver(oceaneering) PLRProvider of Last Resort(electric utility) ...
Multifocal Synchronous Chromophobe, Papillary, and Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma in a Single Kidney/Tek Bir Bobrekte Cok Odakli Es Zamanli Kromofob, Papiller ve Berrak Hucreli Tipte Renal Hucreli Karsinom RCCS collected canned food items to help replenish the supplies for the Red Bud Human ...
Decisions: they are never easy! But this is what we would like to do and here are the reasons whyPiller, NeilJournal of Lymphoedema
This paper defends the claim that if a person P exists, there can be true positive comparisons between P's existence and P's never having existed at all in terms of what is better or worse for P. If correct, this view will have significant implications for various fun...
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Links between BMI and the increasing incidence/prevalence of chronic oedema: what is our future?Piller, NeilJournal of Lymphoedema