An adjective is a part of speech (POS), and parts of speech are incredibly important in writing. Each part of speech fulfills a purpose in a sentence, and not all parts of speech are created equal. Some parts of speech make our writing stronger while others make it weaker. So we must...
The term circular economy (CE) has both a linguistic and descriptive meaning. Linguistically it is an antonym of a linear economy. A linear economy is one defined as converting natural resources into waste, via production. Such production of waste leads to the deterioration of the environment in...
This sign's zodiac animal is the Scorpion. Scorpios have quite a sting, typically coming out when this person is hurt or, worse, betrayed. This birth sign is suspicious by nature, skittering around when something seems “off”. However, people that the Scorpion brings into his or her circle...
home to find her clothes packed up in a U-Haul van parked in the driveway. Charles is divorcing Her. Helen moves in with her grandmother Madea, an old woman who doesn't take any lip from anyone. Madea helps Helen through these tough times by showing her what is really important in ...
While it easy to talk about mise-en-scène as a static image, there is, of course, much more to it. As scenes move on and camera angles change, so the movement and sound adds to the meaning. The opening ofLa Règle du Jeuinvolves a long tracking shot as heroic pilot André is gree...
George Carlin, whose death I still mourn a little, had a bit back in the day about the “preborn”, and how the religious right was so very worried about the lives of the preborn right up until they take their first breath. After that, “you’re on your own”. That’s still the...
Here lies the problem. As Henrik Wareborn, chief executive of Velocys says: “The spot market for SAF is currently at US$2,500 per tonne. That’s what airlines pay for the small volumes available today. The similar price for fossil jet fuel is US$500 per tonne, meaning SAF is five ...
Spiritualist Joanna Southcott made the startling claim that she, by virgin birth, would produce the second Jesus Christ. Her abdomen began to swell and so did the crowds of people around her. The time for the birth came and passed - she died soon after. An autopsy revealed it had been ...
Whereas A Mercy is set in the past, which leads Cantiello to declare that connections with the present should not be overstated, the same cannot be said about God Help the Child. No stretch needs to be made to perceive how contemporary Morrison's latest novel is and how, for our ...
My first name means, god is my salvation. My middle name means, god is my judge. My last name has to do with some instrument,(from the holy bible) called a cornet. No comments 0