1000 X-Series oscilloscopesmaking a variety of measurements. Oscilloscope Basics The basic operation of an oscilloscope displays voltage versus time, with voltage on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. This allows you to double check that your device’s signal is as you expect, bo...
What is an analog oscilloscope?Oscilloscopes: Oscilloscopes are particularly useful for evaluating the circuitry of new electronic equipment, the voltage, and operation of an electronic device, or the new software of an electronic instrument.Answer and Explanation: ...
Basic information about what an oscilloscope is and how the test instruments are used in industrial settings for preventive maintenance and troubleshooting.
A digital oscilloscope in its simplest form is comprised of six elements. The first is an analog vertical input amplifier, and the second is an analog-to-and a digital waveform memory. The third is a time base with a triggering and clock drive, while the fourth is circuits for waveform re...
An oscilloscope is a laboratory instrument commonly used to display and analyze the waveform of electronic signals. In effect, the device draws a graph of the instantaneous signal voltage as a function of time. A typical oscilloscope can display alternating current (AC) or pulsating direct current...
Tool used for measuring the voltage of the cathode-ray tube inside of your computer CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitor. The cathode ray oscilloscope was invented by German scientist Karl Ferdinand Braun in 1897.Related information Computer monitor help and support.Amplitude, Attenuator, Calibration, ...
An oscilloscope is a device to visualize oscillations (waves). The “virtual oscilloscope” is a free, interactive Shockwave simulation of an oscilloscope. You can use all buttons, wheels and connectors as if you were using a real oscilloscope. Signals are displayed on the virtual screen, and ...
Anoscilloscopeis a device that allows you to see how voltage changes over time by displaying a waveform of electronic signals. Why is that important? Electronics such as lights, TVs, air-conditioning need electrical energy delivered bycircuits. ...
Freeware / Shareware status: Lissajous 3D is shareware. You get a Free Test drive with all the features completely unlocked (start the test drive at any time). You can Purchase it at any time. Download your free test drive of Lissajous 3DTo read more about Lissajous 3D, go on to:...
An oscilloscope comes with at least two connectors. One goes to the ground, while the other is used to "probe" a point on a circuit. The difference in voltage between the two points is what’s being captured. Scopes can be analog or digital, but both work in much the same way. What...