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The best thing is, it’s not so difficult to do it online either. All you have to do is to send an automated thank you email right after they perform an action. To make the message even sweeter, you can also add adiscount code, store credit, or free delivery– they’ll know it w...
This is disposable razor with 6 chromium coated blade for comfort, safety, sharpness and durability. 6 flexible blades individually adjust to the contours of the skin, providing a smooth and closer shave. Open back design for easy cleaning. Organic lubricating strip. Weighted handle f...
Jamaica is an easy place to thoroughly enjoy as long as you have the necessary essentials and a little bit of knowledge about the island. I've made a list of what to wear in Jamaica, the top items to bring and NOT to bring, seasons for the region, and FA
The crunch of cardboard is the only sound as the cheap Pizza Time logo comes in and goes out of the foreground. They hear a truck rattling closer. Through the window, they see a STREET FUMIGATION TRUCK spewing gas as it passes by. The fog rolls closer to the window. KI-JUNG (to...
Over the past 20 years, Mulvey has pursued a restless, eclectic path as a writer and musician –… Get Tickets Saturday, March 1st, 7:00 pm @The Iron Horse Amythyst Kiah Amythyst Kiah at The Iron Horse on Saturday, March 1 2025 “Her razor-sharp guitar picking alone … Get Tickets...
Razor Floss, toothpaste, toothbrush. There is alsoeco-friendly toothpastetablets to save on liquids too! Sunscreen. Y’all, the sun can definitely beat down on you, especially during the summer. Even if you aren’t by the beach, if you plan to go outside at all, pack some sunscreen. ...
Everything But The Girl and The Smiths had a wunderkind and it is named Belle & Sebastian. Erasmos Carlos, “Carlos, Erasmo…”—I’m a huge fan of Tropicalia, but had never encountered this gem from 1971. Erasmos Carlos was right in the center lane of the zeitgeist on this one. ...
[NOTE:They still do this! Check outUNICEF's websitewhere they say you can add "Some Meaning to Your Halloweening" which is pretty genius.] Razor Blades in Apples Getty Images Razor Blades in Apples Speaking of apples... while our parents stayed home as we roamed the streets like candy-...
2000: Razor Scooter 丁// Wikimedia Commons 2000: Razor Scooter The foldable Razor A scooterwas released in 2000and was quickly named Toy of the Year. By the next year, 7 million were sold in the United States. The scooters are still popular today among people of all ages (including adult...