A rationale is what one might present when explaining the reasons behind a specific decision or preference, laying out the argument or evidence in support. Reason, by contrast, is what enables individuals to come to that decision or preference in the first place, through the process of reasoning...
"Rationale" is a noun referring to the underlying reason for something; "rational" is an adjective describing logical, reasoned thinking or behavior.
Rationale: The transition helps to connect the two paragraphs by showing that the event oc- curring in the second paragraph was a result of the event that was described in the first par- agraph. Example: P1: On Sandy Hook, the light house is located in the north region. P2: At the ...
And why is it an excellent vehicle for exploring epistemology? We’re going to answer those questions by defining Socratic dialogue; then we’ll break down some Socratic dialogue examples. By the end, you’ll know how to recognize and implement this techniue in your writing and everyday life...
One should understand the difference between a proposal and a paper before the writing process begins, as these are different tasks. As its name implies, a proposal is a rationale for research to be approved by an instructor. It should explain the purpose of future projects and what new aspec...
What is the rationale behind having students create books in a kindergarten classroom?Question:What is the rationale behind having students create books in a kindergarten classroom?Student-Generated Books:Student-generated books are those books students make with the help of the teacher. They c...
The primary purpose of expository writing is to explain something. The explanation can take many forms, some of which add audiovisual dimensions to the writing: You can explain a demonstration, give notes for a lecture, give directions, clarify a process
therefore, the researcher must provide a clear and precise description of how an experiment is to be carried out, and the rationale for the specific experimental procedures chosen. it must be written with enough information so that: (1) the experiment could be repeated by others to 5、 ...
Depending on your discipline, you can also start with a discussion of the rationale and assumptions underpinning your methodology. In other words, why did you choose these methods for your study? Why is this the best way to answer your research question? Is this a standard methodology in your...
Objective: To describe the style of psychotherapy portrayed in the film Antwone Fisher. The rationale for this examination is that prospective patients often have little idea about what the process of psychotherapy may involve; depiction... A Herran,M Carrera,A Andres,... - 《European Neuropsycho...