The functional activity is revealed by a flow of physiologically relevant inorganic ions, such as Na+, K+ and Cl−, across the BLM either from cyclic voltammetry (current-voltage curves in biophysical jargon) or chronoamperometry measurements (current-time curves) [3]. A major drawback of ...
And yet, as highlighted by Schulz and others, the reuse of obsolete electronics is merely considered to be a marginal option when it is assessed according to the stipulations of formal legislation [6,7,12]. On the other hand, as we have already seen, WEEE refurbishment has a history in ...
3. HEV, a Naked Virus? HEV is a small, single-stranded, positive-sense and RNA virus (~7.2 kb) with an icosahedral capsid [12]. For many years, this virus has been described as a non-enveloped virus [16–18]; however, recently, another form has been identified. HEV can be "...