theory,sointhissensestringtheoryisearlierthanquantumfieldtheory.) Bornetal.gaveaformulafortheelectromagneticfieldasaFouriertransform andusedthecanonicalcommutationrelationstoidentifythecoefficientsin thisFouriertransformasoperatorsthatdestroyandcreatephotons,sothat ...
现在关于概率论的发言比其他任何领域都要多,因为人们已经认为它是数学研究中重要的一部分。我在大学里学过测量理论(measure theory),它是概率论基础的一部分,但我转做概率论研究是受到了同事的影响。 实际上,我从来没有在学校里学过概率论是一个巨大的优势。我因此对它有了不同的视角,这也是我在这个领域取得成功...
We continue study of the connection of classical limit of integrable asymptotically free field theory to the finite-gap solutions of classical integrable equations. In the limit the momenta of particles turn into the moduli of Riemann surfaces while their isotopic structure is related to the period ...
Therefore, at least for the electromagnetic field which is observable and preparable, the causal commutation rules ar a necessity for a consistent relativistic QFT. cgoakley said: How and why is this not Poincare invariant? Poincare invariance of a quantum field theory is a very nontrivial sta...
What is a quantum vacuum? Anne Baring A True Vacuum? One may have heard that a vacuum is nothing—the absence of matter. Space is typically called a vacuum, but even it has minute material in the void that makes it a non-but-near-vacuum as a whole. On Earth, we can isolate a ...
内容提示: Why Does Quantum Field Theory In Curved Spacetime Make Sense?And What Happens To The Algebra of Observables In The Thermodynamic Limit?Edward WittenInstitute for Advanced StudyEinstein Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540 USAAbstractThis article aims to explain some of the basic facts about the ...
Is the Universe Symmetrical? What Is Stellar Nucleosynthesis via Nuclear Fusion? How Did We Learn About the Problems Around the Hubble Tension, Hubble's Constant, & the Age of the Universe? What Are Cosmic Rays and What Do They Reveal About the Universe?
Is general relativity proven? General relativity has passed all the experimental tests so far, but its applicability is expected to break down when [the] effects of quantum mechanics (the theory of the very small particles) should become dominant. ...
Without the key, it is nearly impossible for hackers to intercept and decode the message. This method is also called secret-key or private-key cryptography because only a single key is used during the process. There are two main types of symmetric key cryptography: Stream Cipher - A ...
双黑洞系统产生引力波的过程可以大致分为三个阶段, 即旋进(inspiring)、并合(merging)和铃荡(ringdown), 其对应的计算方法分别为后牛顿近似方法(post-Newtonian approximation)、广义相对论数值模拟(general relativity numerical simulation)和黑洞微扰理论(black hole perturbation theory), 近年来还发展了有效单体方法(...