Note that the extent to which fluids yield to shearing forces (and hence flow easily and quickly) depends on a quantity called the viscosity which is discussed in detail in Viscosity and Laminar Flow; Poiseuille’s Law. We can understand the phases of matter and what constitutes a fluid by ...
Quantities in Physics Physical quantities are properties of objects that can be quantified or anything that can be given a magnitude or a value. There are two types of physical quantities. Base quantity:Base quantities are physical quantities that cannot be defined in terms of other base quantities...
The tridimentional integration of this quantity over all space gives one. What is called the "radial probability density" is the volumic densityalready integratedin the infinitesimal spherical shell between two spheres,4πr2ψ24πr2ψ24πr2|Ψ|24πr2|Ψ|2. Its one dimensional integral overrr...
In physics, what does the phrase "three g's" refer to? What do you mean by big bang theory? Define the term binding energy. What does Planck's equation mean? What is mean by magnetic moment? Define and give the mathematical expression. What does it mean to say a physical quantity is...
The squared coefficients are needed to make a quantity that behaves like a probability distribution, i.e., it is a real number and positive. There cannot be a negative probability by definition. 2. When formulating the mathematical representation of quantum mechanics, this is one of four ...
The word "quantum" is a perfectly good word meaning a wave with minimum amplitude; why are physicists insisting on calling a quantum a particle? The word "quantum" in physics is used as a "definite quantity of a variable" in contrast to "a continuous quantity of that variable". There are...
What is a lever in physics?Simple Machines:Simple machines are machines that do work in one motion. Machines make work easier by being able to multiply force, or gain distance, at the expense of the other quantity. The six types of simples machines are: lever, ramp, wedge, screw, pulley...
For most elements, we adopt the usual spectroscopic notation, i.e., \({[X]}=\log {X_{\mathrm{star}}} -\log {X_\odot }\) for any abundance quantity X, and \(\log {\epsilon (X)} = \log {N_{{X}}/N_{\mathrm{H}}} + 12.0\) for absolute number density abundances. For...
Accelerationis defined as a vector quantity that indicates the rate of change of velocity. It has dimensions of length and time over time. Acceleration is often referred to as "speeding up", but it really measures changes in velocity. Acceleration can be experienced every day in a vehicle. Yo...
A conical singularity is a point where the limit of every general covariance quantity -- meaning the properties designated under the theory of general relativity -- is finite. In this scenario, space-time takes the form of a cone built around this point. ...