One way to determine the variable type is whether it is quantitative or qualitative. A quantitative variable can be measured and has a specific numeric value. Examples of quantitative variables include height, weight, age, salary, temperature, etc. Any variables that are not quantitative are qualit...
In an experiment, the treatment condition is a categorical variable that forms the experimental groups. In a plant fertilizer experiment, treatment condition divides the specimens into the control group and other groups based on fertilizer type. Learn more aboutQuantitative vs. Qualitative Data. Discret...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook VARS (redirected fromVariables) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Financial Encyclopedia AcronymDefinition VARSValue Added Reseller VARSVariables VARSVoice Activated Response System(various organizations) ...
刷刷题APP(是专业的大学生刷题搜题拍题答疑工具,刷刷题提供What type of variable is the number of gallons of gasoline pumped by a filling station during a day? A. Qualitative B. Continuous C. Attribute D. Discrete的答案解析,刷刷题为用户提供
What is quantitative data? What's the difference between that and qualitative data? How is quantitative data analyzed? Find all the answers here.
statisticsandinferentialstatistics.Distinguishbetweenaqualitativevariable andaquantitativevariable.Describehowadiscretevariableisdifferent fromacontinuousvariable.Distinguishamongthenominal,ordinal,interval,andratiolevelsofmeasurement.2 WhatisMeantbyStatistics?Statisticsisthescienceofcollecting,organizing,presenting,analyzing,and...
What type of variable is: number of car accidents reported in your city? A.Attribute B.Continuous C.Discrete D.Qualitative 点击查看答案&解析进入小程序搜题 你可能喜欢 我国历史上完成奴隶制向封建制过渡的主要形式是( ) A. 战争 B. 变法 C. 争鸣 D. 统一 点击查看答案&解析进入小程序搜题...
If the data in a variable is represented by counts or measurements, we call it a quantitative variable, and if the data in a variable is represented by attributes or characteristics, it is called a qualitative variable. Each variable is measured on only one of the four levels o...
There are numerous essential characteristics that set quantitative research approaches apart from qualitative ones. Some of the primary traits of quantitative techniques are as follows: Structured approach:A systematic, predefined method for data gathering and analysis is what is known as a “structured ...
For example, in the sentence, "the world is a beautiful place to learn", beautiful is an adjective that is used for the world.Answer and Explanation: Quantitative adjectives Qualitative adjectives Adjectives that are used to describe the amount or count of something Adjectives that are used to....