What is quadriplegic cerebral palsy?Question:What is quadriplegic cerebral palsy?Disabilities:Disabilities are medical conditions which limit what kinds of activities a person is capable of taking part in. People with serious disabilities are often entitled to some form of government grant to take care...
Motor coordination of a professional C4 quadriplegic calligrapher who trained himself to use his mouth to write with brush and ink by gripping a brush between his teeth was reported. Through the analysis of movement during calligraphy, it was found that the movement variability of the head-neck ...
A wide range of expression or the cerebral palsy definition is that a group of neurological disorders is the basic reason of cerebral palsy, which is happening due to the damage in the brain during the pregnancy. Insufficient oxygen to the brain during the pregnancy will also result in the fo...
the type of CP you might’ve seen in Colorado comedian, Josh Blue. Triplegic is the medical term for those who are affected in three limbs, and quadriplegic is for those of us who have symptoms in all four limbs. Like any condition, many other terms can be included in a CP diagnosis...
If the patient is given donor stem cells, what are the success and failure rates of the therapy? Are there possible long-term side effects of the treatment? In case a side effect develops, what do stem cell centers do, who will the patient reach out to, and how immediate can they resp...
getting ready to get discharged to a rehab facility, but the hospital performed an MRI and because the patient was a little unruly the doctor gave an over the phone prescription of a powerful narcotic that caused the patient to go into a coma and eventually the patient became a quadriplegic....
In Patrick's words, his computer and his iPhone are "the equivalent of a motorized wheelchair for a quadriplegic". Like Leonard, the protagonist in Memento, Deacon Patrick uses a system of notes and reminders. But a body has only so much room for tattoos; the Deacon prefers Mac OS, and...
In a recent 2-year follow-up of 19 patients suffering severe critical illness neuropathy (characterized by quadriplegia or quadraparesis) associated with sepsis and multiple organ failure, two patients died within 2 months, 11 patients recovered completely, four patients remained quadriplegic, and ...
I am currently taking a nutritional assessment class and cannot find a term in my text. What does “SOAP” stand for? SOAP refers to a style of documenting in medical charts. S = subjective i.e. what is the patient’s complaint?
PERTURBED with the fact that most doctors are not well- aware of the precautions to be taken while transferring a patient to a hospital during emergency, the Union Health Ministry is going to include a mandatory internship on emergency care at the MBBS level. Mandatory internship on emergency ca...