What QCD Tells Us about Nature - Wilczek () Citation Context ...ny experiments, shown in Figure 3, exhibits the expected behavior. 6 When evolved to a common 4) For a passionate elaboration of this statement, see Frank Wilczek’s keynote address at PANIC ’99, Ref. =-=[4]-=-. An...
But we in the IOR believe there is a need to compliment such high level policy with a ground up approach, harnessing the knowledge and experience of our members.We have involved a lot of people in different sectors in developing a template that helps to identify what is needed in a ...
" co-author Andreas Ringwald, a theoretical physicist at the German Electron Synchrotron (which is commonly known by its German acronym, DESY) in Hamburg, said in the same statement. "Otherwise, the search could take decades, because one would have to scan...
We demonstrate that the data are in agreement with perturbative QCD. Also we show that it is sensitive to power corrections to the factorization theorem and to the decay constants. We discuss features of the meson production cross-section and point out the kinematic regions that are sensitive to...
The Large Hadron Collider is mainly a machine for smashing protons into each other. But what's a proton? First and foremost, it's a mess. A total mess. As ugly and chaotic as a hydrogen atom is elegant and simple. Ok, then, what's a hydrogen atom? It
[There is also a statement about “Delayed double cosmic muon events”; this is an attempt to cross-check the result, described in the first comment below, but I’ll skip this because it is in the end irrelevant.]Apparently thelower-levelquestions — is every wire functioning...
The electron, as a Bohm "hidden variable" on the micro-scale for example, is a spatially- extended structure whose self-electric charge repulsion, Casimir force and repulsive spin rotation are balanced by the strong short-range zero point energy induced gravity from its exotic vacuum core. The...