We must know, that Wicca is a very positive religion and the wiccans or the witches perform only beneficial magic. Contrary to popular beliefs, black magic is not a part of the Wiccan tradition, which thus, proves that witches do not practice black magic. The evil image of a witch has b...
Remove the might stripping of pyromancers puissance. DPS war: Berserk grants pulsing perma quickness+resistance. War gets resistance every time they swap weapons. Increase the boon rip damage of loss aversion by 5x. Now really think, would this make these classes meta? Is perma quickness and...
"A brilliant light can either illuminate or blind. How will you know which until you open your eyes?" Send Instant Message | Send E-Mail | View Profile | Quote Reply | Link pyromancer Adventuring Hero posted February 20, 2002 11:57 AM hmm, impresions - the most magical town - two...