CATWOMAN DR FATE!CHAOS KING!Punisher,Thor,Taskmaster.And spider man dark Phoinex and daredevil. I think i see Henri Ducard behind Dark phoinex.Posted by: bp29 on 5/26/2012 6:39:05 AM Golden age Magneto!!! dark phoenix!!! is all i care about in this pic!Posted by: mario on 5/...
The movie doesn’t necessarily harp on the subtext of the Mysterio character; directorJon Wattsis much more focused on the mechanics of his deception and Peter Parker debating whether or not to become the MCU’s next Iron Man. Still, that subtext is there, and it’s all about how a vill...
Netflixis starting the year off right, as it's got quite the lineup for January 2019. Hit movies includingAnt-Man and the Wasp, theIndiana Jonesseries andSolo: A Star Wars Storyare being added to its library, as are popular horror films likeI Know What You Did Last SummerandThe Strang...
Since you’re either slow or ignorant or both, let me reiterate – this can’t be a “GIANT STAN LETTER” because I am not “Stanning” anybody. If you’re such an Eminem fan, why can’t you get it through your thick skull that a “Stan” is “an avid fan or fanatic and overz...