Pain in the distribution of the pudendal nerve from the anus to the penis or clitoris, Pain predominantly experienced while sitting, Pain does not wake the patient at night, No objective sensory impairment & Pain relieved by diagnostic pudendal nerve blockAnatomy Pudendal nerve is the main nerve ...
If you don't, or if your epidural hasn't been working well or is wearing off, your doctor will give you a local anesthetic, or a pudendal block – an injection of a local anesthetic into the walls of your vagina – to numb the area first. You'll feel pulling and tugging as the ...
3.4.2. Pudendal Neuromodulation (PNM) Pudendal nerve stimulation (PNS) or PNM is another potential treatment for NDO and has achieved good results in patients with dysfunctional voiding. Our animal studies have shown that stimulation of the pudendal nerve increases bladder capacity only during the ...