He probably would have left the mess where it lay, except that he had been trying to ask his father for a bit of pocket money, and he’d made the mistake of doing so too late in the evening. Sir Lionel had already partaken of his afternoon brandy, his early evening nip, his wine...
Setting up sticky traps or netting around the plants these pests are targeting is an effective measure. Another way is creating a fence with fine mesh around your garden. This will prevent adults from getting in, as well as eggs that could hatch later. To further limit the spread, you shou...
mainly a lack of integration in the learning of surgical skills, knowledge, and attitudes, further compromising continuous professional development, and thus potentially occupational wellbeing. There is also contradictory evidence on the effectiveness of the surgical training method...
/ 5hAndI; `hAndI/ adj (-ier, -iest) 1 (of gadgets, etc) convenient to handle or use; useful (指小器具等)便於拿取的, 便於使用的, 有用的: A good tool-box is a handy thing to have in the house. 家里有一个好的工具箱就方便多了. 2 [pred 作表语] conveniently placed for being ...
What Is a Normal Blood Sugar Level? The following numbers refer to average blood sugar (glucose) levels in venous plasma, as measured in a lab. Portable home glucose meters measure sugar in capillary whole blood. Many, but not all, meters in 2010 are calibrated to compare directly to venous...
parasites can be used as a measure of pollution impact, showing distinctively higher SH/SMratios on/in fish in unpolluted marine habitats in comparison to fish sampled from polluted habitats ([127] and references therein). While species composition and richness did not change along a pollution gr...
(b) a head [sing] this as a measure of length 一个头部之长度(量度单位): The Queen's horse won by a head. 女王的马以一马头之距领先获胜. *| Tom is taller than John by a head. 汤姆比约翰高一个头. 2 [C] (infml 口) headache 头痛: I've got a terrible head this morning. 我...