Whilst it is clearly a good idea to identify unwarranted variation in practice, it is also important to acknowledge that variation can bewarranted. The very act of measuring and describing variation carries great rhetorical power, since revealing geographical variation in any chosen metric effectively ...
the psychologist was able to start addressing her anxiety,’ Anna explains. ‘We still see the psychologist and psychiatrist on a regular basis, and are nowhere near done with helping her, but we’ve seen a huge difference in her behaviour...
self-conscious and submissive. A lot of people have responded by telling her she is being paranoid and she finds this extremely offensive and doesn't like the word to be associated with her. She says that she has always been that way, even at primary school, but now as she has begun ...
BEING AN NHS CHIEF EXECUTIVE… No blogs from me for a while because I’ve been finishing my book Being an NHS Chief Executive. In these early weeks after publication, it is nice to talk to a few reviewers about the book. Here are some of the questions I’ve been answering. Why did ...
Things go back to normal and I am able to calm him down more quickly in the two years that we have been together so I know we can stick it out. I know that he does love me and his children, but the bipolar is blocking his true emotions a lot of the time. It is just nice to...
used after a sudden death to ascertain which drug was responsible. The result, we discovered, is that no one — pathologists, coroners, the NHS, the Department of Health, drugs charities, or LGBT organisations — knows the total, or even a near-approximate number, of overdoses and deaths....