Some pseudocode is extremely formal, with precise formatting and syntax, looking much like a real programming language. Other pseudocode reads more like standard prose, simply describing what is supposed to happen one statement at a time. The rest falls somewhere between these two camps, with peopl...
For our next example, let’s write some pseudocode to outline the logic for reversing a string (in this case, a sentence) that’s given to us by a user: PROCESS ReverseString INPUT string SET reversed_string = reverse of string PRINT "The reversed sentence is: ", reversed_string END Ou...
@Animalz – I’d be glad to post a pseudocode example! This might not make sense to people who don’t know much about programming, but here it is: if red button is pressed (then add in a tab here) stop the car animation else ...
What is the difference between hardware and software? What is an input device for a computer? What is group policy container? What is pseudocode? What does low power mode do? What does disk cleanup mean? What does spooling mean? What is autonomous technology?
What is pseudocode? What is layered architecture? What is multimedia data? Derive the state table from the logic diagram. Are pivot tables data visualization? (a) What is a multivalued dependency in DBMS? (b) Give an example. What is component architecture?
A root user is normally defined during installation. 2. Set and Save Database Access Credentials The root administrator has unrestricted access to all databases. In general, you should use a custom user with specific privileges to limit access and increase security. For example, the following ...
If, after writing pseudocode, a programmer wanted to make it work, they would convert it and its associated concepts into working code in the programming language of their choosing.Pseudocode exampleBelow is an example of pseudocode from our algorithm page. Even if you're not a computer ...
Techopedia Explains Pseudocode To be pseudo is to be fake. In other words, something that is pseudo is pretending that to be something it’s not. Given this, the term pseudocode makes sense – it isn’t code, but it is the starting point to what the code should look like. System desig...
Example of exception handler in Java Here's a Javapseudocodeexample of an exception handler written for a previously declared exception type,EmptyLineException: try{line=console.readLine();if(line.length()==0){thrownewEmptyLineException("The line read from console was empty!");}console.printLine...
This is a pretty simple algorithm written in pseudocode. Anyone can read and understand what this is trying to do. As the coder, all you have to do is bring this to life using whichever programming language you code in. Here's the same program in JavaScript: ...